This microorganism fixes the atmospheric nitrogen and makes it available to plants in asymbiotic manner.Azospirillum is mainly useful for monocot vegetables.Azospirillum biofertilizer also secretes some fungicides, enzymes but in minute amount. Use of Azospirillum biofertilizer increases the crop production in large scale.
K2HPO4 0,6 gr
KH2PO4 0,4 gr
MgSO4 0,2 gr
NaCl 0,1 gr
Maleic Acid 5 gr
NaOH 3 gr
Yeast extract 0,5 gr
CaCl2 0,02 gr
Fecl.6H2O 0,017 gr
Na2MOO4.2H2O 0,002 gr